About Me

A young lady, making her way through life, guided by God's incredible love that just won't let go. I walk, I falter, I float I fall, I fail and yet I rise again For there is something that compels me LOVE It’s so amazing, so divine. I am His His treasure His beloved His jewel His darling!

Friday, February 12, 2010

To Love

Hey, how are you all doing?
Been away for a bit. Hope y’all have fun plans for the “special” weekend?

Anyways whatever it is make sure you have fun.

Here’s a quick note for the 2 loves in my life. One Perfect the other imperfect but both more than I could ask for. Thank you FL- You are awsome

My darling Love
Loving you
It’s not something I need to deliberate on
It’s not something I need to be convinced about
I love you not just on the high days
Not just on the great days
Not only for the smooth sails
But for all trails
Loving you is simply what I do

I love you when I am excited
Even when the days are dull
When the mood is low
And when the pain won’t stop
It is a decision I have made
Not a whim I follow
I love you
This I say with all joy.

Loving you is more than I could explain
Your love for me is more that I can comprehend
Even when I am not in my best behaviour Your love does not stop
It does not cease even for a moment because if ever it did I would be dead
Your love is unconditional

I want to love the way You love
Not minding my weaknesses
Or my shortcomings
Not minding my constant questions
And ever so frequent straying

I need to live my life loving You
In my words
In my deeds
In my thoughts
And my ways

May Your love consume me till Your love is made perfect in me.
To my First Love, You truly are my everything.

Tolumide says a bit about that love here. Enjoy!